Why does the state still stand:

Jean-Francois Avon jf_avon at citenet.net
Sat May 18 09:17:27 PDT 1996

On 15 May 96 at 18:42, Black Unicorn wrote:

> Potential, but you can manage risk with things like dead drops from
> trusted parties to forwarding agents to offshore drops to....

I can just visualize a trusted party dropping discretely a bright
yellow Caterpillar D-12 in a dead letter box... ROTFL!

Sorry, but I couldn't resist.  I just *love* silly humor...

> Realization means that their is a changing of hands or of forms of
> assets. Income tax and taxes on currency now are dependent on such
> transactions. Someone already noted the problems with just taxing
> possession on a given date of e.g., inventory.  To tax efficiently
> you have to tax an event of transfer.

Why? is it because of the nature of a transfer, it lend itself more 
to reporting and detecting?  Or is it simply because of the legal 
system structure?

> Give me context.  It's possible to kill the president too.  That >
doesn't mean it will become the basis of government.

I think that Mr. Bell defined the context quite well and thoroughly.
And, as he said, the president is unlikely to be the target of
choice because it is not the most efficient one.  Who cares about the 
president?  Who is he without the govt machine?

> That's that anonymous transactions are for. 

If anonymous transactions are feasible, so will be the AP scheme...
AP can be, in a way, characterized as a weapon because it behaves
like one.  And no weapon in the history of humanity remained unused. 

> I forwarded two large segments of the work to the list, yes.  If
> you, or anyone else on the list, would like copies, let me know.

Theses were the first two that constitued part 1 of 4.  I wondered if 
you posted the other parts.  If so, tell me so I can get to the 



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