
Jay Haines jay_haines at
Wed May 8 13:15:02 PDT 1996

        Reply to:   RE>>remailer-in-a-box

>>No one answered me.
>>What's the best remailer-in-a-box.
>>I'd like to run one.  I would think people would be falling
>>over eachother to tell me.

>The reason for the quiet may be twofold. First, I and many others delete
>unread list messages with out subjects. Second, remailer-in-a-box does not
>.really exist. Mixmaster, and most of the other remailers are fairly easy to.
>set up for anyone with UNIX experience. I run Mixmaster + Ghio + reorder

>        -Lance

Does one exist for the MAC? If not, would anyone be interested enough to see
one developed?

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