(Excerpted Fwd) Minnesota Online privacy bill in conference comm

Deranged Mutant WlkngOwl at unix.asb.com
Sun Mar 31 06:54:28 PST 1996

------- Forwarded Message Follows -------
Date:          Sat, 30 Mar 1996 11:33:26 -0600
To:            privacy at ftc.gov, net-happenings at vm1.nodak.edu, pubs at educom.edu
From:          shel at mtn.org (Sheldon Mains)
Subject:       Minnesota Online privacy bill in conference committee
Reply-to:      privacy at ftc.gov

Minnesota Online Privacy Bill in Conference Committee is in Conference Committee

The following online privacy option bill passed the full Minnesota State
House and is now in conference committee with a "study" passed
today by the State Senate.  The various interests, including major
commercial on-line services, woke up to the bill and found Senate members
to amend their version which was similar to the House's on the floor with
a short bill that would instead require study.

It is a pretty incredible story that the House bill (following after this
intro) has gotten so far without major attention.

Sheldon Mains
shel at mtn.org

You can track the legislation via the legislative WWW at:


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