Test case for RSA t-shirts

Raph Levien raph at cs.berkeley.edu
Sat Mar 30 14:11:05 PST 1996

pgut001 at cs.auckland.ac.nz wrote:
> In July I'll be going to the US for a conference.  I have one of Adam Backs
> RSA-in-perl t-shirts and am prepared to wear it into (and possibly back out of)
> the country if anyone feels it would do any good (for example to act as a test
> case for exportability).  If anyone thinks this would be useful or wants to
> offer a legal opinion, let me know.

   While we're on the subject, I called Sam Capino's office regarding my
CJR for this t-shirt, and he said they were still waiting for a response
from the NSA. I think my next move will be a letter asking exactly when
I can expect a response, and whether there's anything I can do to compel
a response, It was originally filed (in October) as a 15-day expedited

   Thus, the actual legal status of the shirt is murky. Don't be
surprised if they approve it after they quit stalling.


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