
Asgaard asgaard at sos.sll.se
Thu Mar 28 16:00:10 PST 1996

I agree that for a native English/American speaker to learn
other languages is mostly a waste of time (if you are not
a spy; or businessman having to deal with constipated French
etc). Only if you permanently move to another country the
situation gradually becomes different. Americans who move
to Sweden (we had a lot of Vietnam war 'deserters' coming
way back) can keep on speaking American for a year or so
without anyone taking notice (actually if the American tries
to speek Swedish the Swedes may deny him to do so, they
love to train themselves in speaking English), but then when
years pass bye and the American still loves the special
attention he receives as an American-speaker and refuses
to learn Swedish, the situation will become awkward.

I studied German, French, Italian and Russian and am still
moderately fluent in German, but I care less and less to
keep these languages up since English is more and more
becoming the World Language.


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