So, what crypto legislation (if any) is necessary? (Was List O' , , shame)

Rich Burroughs richieb at
Wed Mar 27 09:13:39 PST 1996

On Mon, 25 Mar 1996, Simon Spero wrote:

> If the Leahy bill is unacceptable, what legistlation is necessary? I 
> can't see how the use of cryptography in the commission of a crime needs 
> to be a separate offence, but I could see how it could be treated as a 
> special circumstance - that doesn't really needed a new law though.

Good question.

Along this line -- what are the penalties for withholding other types of 
possible evidence from investigating officers?  It seems that often the 
penalites for "computer crimes" are more harsh than for the "normal" 
version of the crime.  Is that the case with the penalties in Leahy's bill? 

Rich Burroughs  --  richieb at  --  psu07973 at --- Opinions are mine, not Teleport's
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