Crypto CD

Vipul Ved Prakash vipul at
Sun Mar 24 12:50:18 PST 1996

> Could be useful to individuals, as well as for groups wishing to create 
> FTP sites etc. 

Excellent Idea. At least I haven't seen one around.
> Pricing with shipping would wind up around US$20.00, give or take 5 dollars..

> I'd like to know first off whether such a thing already exists. Secondly 
> whether anyone would be interested in possesing such a thing. And lastly 
> any suggestions for/about content that I may have missed..

How about PGP key archives?

        .od8888bo.                              \|/
     .d%::::88::888b.             	       (@ @)
   .d888::::::::8:888%.   ------------------oOO-(_)-OOo-----------------
   88888:::::::88888::%.  You walk across with your flowers in your hand
  d888888:::88;888888::b       Trying to tell me no one understands
  888888888:888888888888   Trade in your hours for a hand full of dimes
  Y8888888::::::888888%P         Gonna make it baby in our prime.
  '8888888:::::::8888:%'  ----------------------------------------------
   '88888888:::888888%'   Vipul Ved Prakash        Fax : +91-11-3328849
     '8888888::88888%'    Positive Ideas.     Internet : vipul at
        '"Y88%B8P"'       ----------------------------------------------    
                              PGP Key : Finger <vipul at>	                  
 PGP Key fingerprint =  35 FF A2 CA BD 6B 80 82  61 30 F2 23 96 93 77 E4 

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