executable e-$ code for DOS

Jean-Francois Avon JFA Technologies, QC, Canada jf_avon at citenet.net
Fri Mar 22 10:27:55 PST 1996


I would like to toy around with a e-cash program.  I got Magic Money but 
it is only sources and I have no compiler.  Is there a location I where
I can get the executables for DOS?

I want to do nothing serious with it, so the security aspect of pre-compiled
code does not bother me too much.



 Public Key at http://w3.citenet.net/users/jf_avon
    Jean-Francois Avon <jf_avon at citenet.net> 
    2048 bits key ID:C58ADD0D  1996/03/01    
fingerprint=52 96 45 E8 20 5A 8A 5E  F8 7C C8 6F AE FE F8 91 

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