Perry E. Metzger perry at piermont.com
Fri Mar 22 10:18:23 PST 1996

WThinker writes:
> Ok, here is the situation.  I have a person mad at me in one of my mailing
> lists.  Turns out, this person was the owner of the mailing list!  Well now
> I'm stuck, knocked out of the list.  The owner can not see any of my mail,
> no matter how hard I try.  I need some ideas to eather get through to her,
> or really fuck up the mailing list.
> Any ideas?

1) Learn to spell.
2) Figure out what the cypherpunks mailing list is for; you don't seem
   to know.
3) I will point out that deliberately trying to disable or sabotage a
   computer on the net is a federal crime, and that you are probably
   currently engaging in conspiracy to do so.


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