Judge blocks French ISPs from connecting to revisionist sites

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Tue Mar 19 17:37:32 PST 1996

On Sun, 17 Mar 1996 jamesd at echeque.com wrote:

> At 04:30 PM 3/17/96 -0800, Rich Graves wrote:
> > In other news, Holocaust Revisionist mgiwer at combase.com (Matt Giwer) has
> > been *openly bragging* about getting a political opponent kicked off of a
> > conservative Texas ISP. The main difference between the French and Texas
> > cases being that the information on Rack Jite's web pages was true, and
> > the information on the Holocaust Revisionist sites is not. I guess that's
> > not important, though, since by definition, Political Correctness only
> > targets the right. 
> Jack Rite was kicked off for gross and repeated violations of 
> netiquette, not for his political views.

That's a new one.

Giwer is bragging that he got him kicked off for either a) copyright
violations (two GIFs of Giwer, taken from Giwer's web site) or b) libel
(no details given, and difficult to prove because truth is an ironclad 
defense against a libel suit). 

The Volant Turnpike system administrators said the problem was that a few
instances of the word "FUCK" violated the Communications Decency Act. I've
seen their mail. Their reasons for deleting the files after all naughty
words and "copyright violations" were deleted were not stated. 

I'd be curious to know how a web site can pose "netiquette" problems. Jack
Rite never sent or received email or news from turnpike.net;  he only used
their web-hosting services. 

Anyway, I don't know much about this case, and the guy is a little kooky,
agreed, but far less kooky than Giwer. We're all friends here. It just
pisses me off to see Giwer claiming to represent the "libertarian" 
position, and occasionally being taken seriously by people I otherwise
respect, when he's really just a racist kook. 


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