Judge blocks French ISPs from connecting to revisionist sites

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Sun Mar 17 14:48:59 PST 1996


Those silly French people. And this right after the German Minister of
Justice is quoted in Der Spiegel admitting that such blocking is foolish
and counterproductive. 

OTOH, the Attorney General of Ontario threw out all charges against Ernst
Zundel last Friday. Zundel's Holocaust-denial files are available from
pathcom.com, cts.com, aol.com, compuserve.com, netcom.com, c2.org,
stormfront.org, mit.edu, and cmu.edu (most of the Zundel-friendly sites
require payment and a password). A student at pitt.edu has publicly and
repeatedly offered to mirror Zundel's files as well, but he won't let her,
because she's Jewish. None of the mirror sites are blocked by the French
action, and of course all email and anonymous proxy routes are unfettered. 

Declan's list of links tells only one side of the story, with numerous
factual errors that have been pointed out publicly and repeatedly. I 
refer you to last months' posts to comp.org.eff.talk by rich at c2.org.

See also articles in the Western Jewish Bulletin by Hilary Ostrov and
others, which support the right of Holocaust-deniers to speak freely.
Those articles are available at: 


There are dozens of articles, many of them by Holocaust survivors and the
children of survivors and victims supporting the right of
Holocaust-deniers to lie and organize freely on shamash.nysernet.org,
www.eff.org, nizkor.almanac.bc.ca, and www.skeptic.com. The articles on
the Skeptic Society and EFF sites have some interesting comments on the
"Revisionists'" callous disregard for the truth in both substantive and
"anti-censorship"  matters. See: 


You will find not one article supporting the censorship of Nazis in
alt.revisionism or alt.fan.ernst-zundel. For over a year, the regular
posters have been trying to get the "Revisionist" leaders to participate
in a public discussion on Usenet, but they have refused.

Mendacious secret societies are secret not because they are oppressed, 
but because whenever they show their face in public, they are laughed at. 


- -rich
 Institute for Revisionist Revisionism

Version: 2.6.2


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