Cypherpunks reference in Netscape book

Corey Bridges corey at
Sun Mar 17 00:44:24 PST 1996

I'm writing the "Encryption and SSL" chapter for the Netscape products, and
I'm finishing it up with a "Further reading" section that lists
crypto-related books, web sites, and newsgroups. I was thinking of including
a reference to this mailing list.

Any strong opinions either way?

As I see it, the downside is a possible increase in confused people
(specifically on the mailing list--not in general from my writing) and a
decrease in the ever-controversial signal-to-noise ratio. The upside is that
new people might come to the list and be enlightened further on the
reasonableness of privacy.

And speaking pragmatically, I can't imagine that too many people would take
the time to: 
        1.  read the docs
        2.  join the mailing list
        3.  post ill-considered messages

(As a side note, if anyone ever has any feedback about security coverage in
Netscape documentation, send it my way.)

Corey Bridges
Netscape Security Documentation

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