PolicyMaker paper available

Perry E. Metzger perry at piermont.com
Sat Mar 16 16:14:30 PST 1996

ECafe Anonymous Remailer writes:
> I D/Led this file last night & printed it out. I was a little suspicious
> at first because you'd think if AT&T really wanted people to read (instead
> of just wanting to say they published it) they'd put it on the web in http
> and not use obscure printer codes.

Huh? Postscript an "obscure printer code"?

> Behind all the obscure printer codes and fancy language, it is obvious to
> anyone with half a brain that this is just a move by AT&T to put itself
> on top of the internet certificate hierarchy where your're locked in
> to using AT&T software and internet service (just like RSA and Netscape).
> You have to license AT&T code to use it and you need an AT&T approved
> policy attribute or something in order to make it work.

You are on drugs, whomever you are. Matt and company have done some
very interesting work here on certificate policies. The work is
unpatented and involves no proprietary AT&T technology. In short, you
are both an stupid and paranoid. You probably didn't understand what
you were reading.

If you had a milligram of self respect, you'd come out from behind
that anonymous remailer. Of course, I expect that you know that your
words are embarassing rather than something to be proud of.

The paper in question is seminal. I strongly urge people who don't
drool when they open their mouths to read it.


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