Tim's friend's mildly retarded son

Blanc Weber blancw at MICROSOFT.com
Fri Mar 15 20:53:18 PST 1996

>From: 	tcmay at got.net

(In response to my sig statement):

>>>I hope I'm not the only one here who thinks so.
>How could you be? Since I was the one who cited the example, I clearly
>opposed to the current monopoly on judgment the FDA enjoys.

Yes. I know.   I am on the infamous Anarcho-Capitalist Cypherpunk List. 
But I am sending mail from my place of work, and I intended it as a sort
of "disclaimer".  Ha-ha.  I wasn't clear about that.

BTW, vis-a-vis the Tijuana Free Market qua government involvement with
addicting substances, I think your precision statitics below are
apropos, Q.E.D.   :>)  *

>	.... Tobacco, which kills an estimated 400,000 a year is the
>	winner. (The statistics I saw a few years ago were easily memorizable:
>	tobacco: 400,000, alchohol: 40,000, drugs: 4,000.)

* you would have had to read my "How to Win an Argument" post to
appreciate this one.

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