Why escrow? (was Re: How would Leahy bill affect crypto over HAM

Deranged Mutant WlkngOwl at UNiX.asb.com
Wed Mar 13 20:09:05 PST 1996

jim bell <jimbell at pacifier.com>
> Well, okay, but we've really got to define whose key is being escrowed, 
> anyway.  Most corporations will probably handle it themselves, OR they will 
> only give an ENCRYPTED escrowed key to the escrow agent.  This would prevent 
They may use secret sharing or splitting methods and handle parts by 
different organizations within themselves and hand other parts to an 
outside agent.  Sometimes this makes sense when there are political 
rivalries within an organization.  They want the ability to get into 
Dilbert's files if he drops dead, but they want an objective party to 
hold part of the key so his rivals don't try to steal his files.


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