Second mini-AIR report on PGP-Y

Mark Aldrich maldrich at
Tue Mar 12 20:05:49 PST 1996

The following appeared in the latest issue of The mini-Annals of 
Improbable Research ("mini-AIR"), Issue Number 1996-03,
March, 1996, ISSN 1076-500X (a superb sceince journal that comes with
my highest recommendation, BTW):

1996-03-05	PGP-Y Ill Advised

Reader Andrew Rock has been investigating our foolproof data 
security protocol, PGP-Y (Pretty Good Parasychology). He intuited 
this missive to us:

"You were ill-advised to release the details of your PGP-Y -- 
"Pretty Good Parapsychology" protocol on an international mailing 
list such as mini_AIR. US law prohibits the export of such highly 
secure transmission technology, defining it as munitions. Your 
proposal must await government-approved key espcrow [sic] systems 
rumoured to be under consideration by the NSA. The approved 
systems will prohibit the possession or transmission of ideas 
beyond the imagination of government officers. Please do not 
carelessly put the publication of AIR at risk while I have nearly 
two years left on my subscription."

Investigator Trevor Green and a large team at the University of 
Saskatchewan have also been laboring in the field. Green reports:

"After an initial trial period of PGP-Y within our department, we 
have had some disappointing initial results. While the 
transmission rate is nothing short of paraphenomenal, the security 
mechanism is, alas, not wholly foolproof -- everything worked 
fine, until my friend Steve started imagining that he was 
intercepting the telepathically-transmitted data. We are sure that 
this technical loophole may be overcome but wish to alert your 
paranormal engineers to the oversight. Meanwhile, I am pleased to 
report that the credit-card fraud charges against Steve will be 
settled out of court."

|      Liberty is truly dead              |Mark Aldrich                 |
|    when the slaves are willing          |GRCI INFOSEC Engineering     |
|     to forge their own chains.          |maldrich at            |
|        STOP THE CDA NOW!                |MAldrich at |
|The author is PGP Empowered.  Public key at:  finger maldrich at |
|    The opinions expressed herein are strictly those of the author     |
|         and my employer gets no credit for them whatsoever.           |

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