Petty Civil Disobedience

Mutant Rob wlkngowl at
Mon Mar 11 23:47:22 PST 1996

WARNING: the word "crypto" does not appear in this post (aside from the
	this warning message).

jamesd at wrote:
> I have added a pornographic image to my web site as an act of
> real civil disobedience.  I urge others to do the same.


I'd would not call it pornographic. Indecent (legalise), yeah. Porn?
No.  Don't make the same erroneous distinctions that the pro-CDA folx

> In the course of doing this, I discovered that on windows, Netscape
> makes jpegs of naked pretty girls look like crap.

It would take much longer to process the image without dithering of
some sort.  Displaying jpegs in high quality is CPU intensive.

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