Another Motivation for the CDA (Federal Sentencing Guid

jamesd at jamesd at
Sat Mar 9 22:39:23 PST 1996

At 03:59 AM 3/8/96 -0800, Timothy C. May wrote:
> California's "Three Strikes and
> You're Out" sentencing law is having this effect:
> [...]
> One guy
> featured had never committed any violent acts, and his 3rd strike was for
> lifing a pizza.

This is incorrect:  If you read the famous pizza guy's career, you are 
likely to wind up calling for "Three strikes and hang them from the lampost."

Also he did not steal the pizza.  He destroyed it in the course of 
intimidating some kids who were eating pizza.

In theory one would expect the law to have this unjust effect, 
but in practice most of the poster boys that people give as 
examples of the injustice of this law are folk that one would 
like to see taken behind a barn and shot out of hand.

Perhaps the prosecutors are exercising prosecutorial discretion?

We have the right to defend ourselves	|
and our property, because of the kind	|  
of animals that we are. True law	|   James A. Donald
derives from this right, not from the	|  
arbitrary power of the state.		|   jamesd at

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