Another Motivation for the CDA

Deranged Mutant WlkngOwl at
Thu Mar 7 20:29:45 PST 1996

Note: This post is 100% free of crypto and conspiracy theories.

My response to Tim:
> >I think you're reading too much into motives, Tim.  I don't think that
> >most in congress are capable of thinking that elaborately, and besides,
> >if someone is convicted of violating the CDA for saying "fuck" online,
> >that is the type of felony that one can get a judge's waiver for...

Jim Bell's response to mine:

> I am NOT relieved at hearing this.  If one must have a "judge's waiver," 
> then that means he probably can "request" whatever other conditions he 
> chooses to put on his waiver.  The government still has a motivation to make 

Yes and no. Depends on the judge.  Some are hard-assed about granting 
waivers, others aren't.  Part of the problerm is that judges have too 
much discretion.  Another is in the constitution, w/regards to right 
to vote (it can be denied to felons... I know a couple of people 
convicted of DWIs that can no longer vote... they just don't care 
enough to go to a judge and get a waiver.)

Not that you would want to put faith in getting a waiver.  I'm just 
critical of Tim's assertion/speculation that gun-control is related 
to voting for the CDA.


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