Newest CACM and Key Escrow

Joseph M. Reagle Jr. reagle at
Thu Mar 7 09:59:23 PST 1996

The newest Communications of the ACM (March 90) is entitled "How to Use Key
Escrow."  I haven't read it yet, but on a quick glance, I don't see some of
the  newer schemes I've heard of, but there is an article "taxonomy of key
escrow encryption systems" by Denning and  Branstad -- Which does briefly
mention of the Lotus scheme and some of the other published schemes that I
was thinking of.
Regards,            8146th member of the CIEC coalition
Joseph Reagle
reagle at      0C 69 D4 E8 F2 70 24 33  B4 5E 5E EC 35 E6 FB 88

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