Jump Start ecash With IPhone

Duncan Frissell frissell at panix.com
Wed Mar 6 19:51:09 PST 1996

At 11:37 AM 3/6/96 -0800, Jim McCoy wrote:
>        2- The phone companies (actually ACTA, the telco lobby) petitioned
>           the FCC on Monday to regulate the Internet phone software
>           companies.
>IP phone systems themselves may need to move underground just to
>escape regulation.  OTOH, there is nothing to prevent people from
>building their own systems once some free software is out there...

That would be a super neat trick since the LD business is currently
deregulated (and in fact was never a government monopoly) and the local loop
is in the process of deregulation, and Vocaltec is in some senses an Israeli
company anyway and need not have a presence in New Jersey if it doesn't want do.


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