(Fwd) Gov't run anon servers

John Perry perry at vishnu.alias.net
Tue Mar 5 04:14:45 PST 1996


>>>>> "Hal" == Hal  <hfinney at shell.portal.com> writes:

    Hal> However, if I were a computer-savvy law enforcement agent,
    Hal> and I wanted to track messages through one of my remailers, I
    Hal> would try a technological approach.  I would first break the
    Hal> key for my remailer.  That is trivial.  The passphrase is in
    Hal> PLAINTEXT in the script file which runs the remailer!.  It
    Hal> has to be.  That is true of all automated remailers.  Anyone
    Hal> who can break into the remailer server and acquire root
    Hal> permission can find the remailer secret key.  My keys have
    Hal> been unchanged for three years.  Surely some enterprising
    Hal> hackers have stolen the keys by now.

Well actually... The passphrase in a mixmaster remailer is defined as
an environmental variable at compile time. The passphrase is not
stored in any cleartext fashion but is embedded in the
executable. Additionally the newer Ghio code (Matt's latest revision)
has the passphrase defined as an environmental variable in
remailer.c. Once remailer is compiled, you can delete the passphrase
from the code. I can't speak for the freedom or other remailers as I
haven't tried them. It's a little harder to get the key than just
looking for a cleartext file that contains it. That is, if the
remailer operator is being careful.

 John Perry - KG5RG - perry at vishnu.alias.net -  PGP-encrypted e-mail welcome!
 WWW - http://www.alias.net
 PGP 2.62 key for perry at vishnu.alias.net is on the keyservers.

Version: 2.6.2


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