Electronic Freedom press release

Steve Jackson sj at io.com
Sun Mar 3 18:09:55 PST 1996

At 1:50 PM 3/3/96, LibertyWMA at aol.com wrote:

(quoting George Phillies)
> When the Secret
>Service raided Steve Jackson Games to suppress publication of 'Hacker' I
>immediately wrote Congress to protest.

Serious distortion of the facts. "Hacker" was published as a reaction to
the raid; it was not the target of the raid. The book you are thinking
about is GURPS CYBERPUNK, which the Secret Service encouraged us to believe
was the object of the raid, but testimony at the trial indicated that that
was not the case. The SS was ignorantly indifferent to free speech and
publisher's rights, rather than taking direct aim at them. See
www.io.com/SS/ for more information.

Our case was a victory, but if it is cited in support of irrelevancies, it
has no more meaning than if it is forgotten completely.

Steve Jackson, sj at io.com - this will do till I fix my .sig file . . .

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