(fwd) USA / Australia - Civil Liberty

Michael Froomkin froomkin at law.miami.edu
Sun Mar 3 14:34:44 PST 1996

The following concerns a fragment from a message that seems to have been 
posted to "aus.legal" and to c'punx.  Please feel free to forward to 
aus.legal if you have access to that group.

On Sun, 3 Mar 1996, Julian Assange wrote:

> Under USC 28, 1603, (B)(3) Ms. Wilson is an alien and the US
> Federal court has no jurisdiction over her.

Highly dubious.  The court has full jurisdiction over all non-ambassadors
in its jurisidiction.  Whatever passport they may hold.  The cited text
relates to the immunity of foreign states and their ambassadors and their
political subdvisions.  It is not an exemption for all tourists, foreign
workers or the like. 

A. Michael Froomkin        | +1 (305) 284-4285; +1 (305) 284-6506 (fax)
Associate Professor of Law | 
U. Miami School of Law     | froomkin at law.miami.edu
P.O. Box 248087            | http://www.law.miami.edu/~froomkin
Coral Gables, FL 33124 USA | It's not warm here today.

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