www hacking?

Asgaard asgaard at sos.sll.se
Sat Jun 29 06:54:01 PDT 1996

On Sat, 29 Jun 1996 AwakenToMe at aol.com wrote:

> If someone could tell me the dangers of someone attacking someones
> site..etc..on the WWW, I would much appreciate it!

Editing the contents of a .htm(l) without permission of the owner
(alledged publisher) can do any sort of harm. Imagine the reaction
if the Vatican Home Page suddenly contained a statement like 'Woytola
just spoke to God. The Allmighty has changed her mind: Contraception
and Divorce are hereby sanctioned by the Divine Catholic Throne'.

Even changing a single ascii character can raise HELL. The biggest
telco in Sweden, TELIA (formerly the State Monopoly and still
a subject for 2600-type teenager scorn) recently involuntarily
had their main home-page logo changed to FELIA - which in Swedish
is an allegory of 'wrong', as if PACIFIC BELL would have become
PACIFIC HELL. This was major news for all media including prime
time TV and very bad publicity for the telco, securitywize.


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