crypto and bagpipes [NOISE]

Perry E. Metzger perry at
Fri Jun 28 19:06:18 PDT 1996

vinnie moscaritolo writes:
> >>>A Missive From: David Kovar (kovar at
> >>>Mr Brooks, the piper, has denied the charge, citing a case in 1746,
> >>>where bagpipes were declared to be instruments of war, not musical
> >>>instruments, and a subsequent Act of Parliament which specifically
> >>>stated that they were weapons. He claims he wasn't playing a musical
> >>>instrument, but practising with a weapon!
> >>>
> >>>The imagination boggles if his claim is successful!

No one who has heard sustained bagpipe playing can deny the fact that
bagpipes are indeed an instrument of war, with no legitimate place in
peaceful everyday society.


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