[NOISE] Buying whales with digicash Re: Anonymous stock trades.

drose at azstarnet.com drose at azstarnet.com
Sun Jun 9 00:15:13 PDT 1996

hallam at Etna.ai.mit.edu wrote:

>>usually, people just call me Davve.
>Unusual to spell Dave with two v's, were your parents also dyslexic?

Er, Phill (if I may make so bold, sir--arggh, treasure ahead laddies), I'm
being a tad sarcastic, Phillll. Get it?

Frankly, my wanker/tosspot amigo, I am more than a bit sick of your
self-professed ignorance. And your ad hominem attacks don't amount to a hill
of beans.

I am more than through with you.  Perhaps Perry has more patience.

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