Class III InfoWar

Chris Adams adamsc at
Fri Jun 7 05:39:46 PDT 1996

On 2 Jun 1996 03:06:14 pdt, hal9001 at wrote:

>At 21:33 -0400 6/1/96, winn at Infowar.Com wrote:
>>The article discussed the advanced information warfare techniques used by the
>>perpetrators. "According to the American National Security Agency (NSA), they
>>have penetrated computer systems using 'logic bombs' (coded devices that
>>can be
>>remotely detonated)
>Unless the definition has changed recently, a "logic bomb" is normally a
>piece of code in a program that is triggered when a specific event occurs
>(such as the programmer's name not appearing in a payroll file for a
>designated period of time [which might trigger a salami round off routine
>to start cutting checks 2 months after s/he is no longer working for the

I believe that is what they were referring to. However, the press garbled it as usual. It 
seems like the original was something like 'logic bombs' (bits of code that can be 
triggered remotely). Probably sounded more impressive the reporter's way...

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