Feinstein wants controls on Internet, Books

Marshall Clow mclow at owl.csusm.edu
Sun Jul 28 22:58:03 PDT 1996

>From <http://cnn.com/US/9607/28/clinton.speech/index.html>:

>                            The president said he has invited congressional leaders to meet with the
>                            head of the FBI on Monday. 
>                            The leaders will discuss bills that would expand wiretaps and allow for
>                            chemically "tagging" explosives, which could help track terrorist acts.
>                            Such legislation is needed to "increase the protection of the American
>                            people," Clinton said. 
>                            Both measures were taken out of an anti-terrorism bill Clinton signed
>                            into law earlier this year. He also said that a spate of recent acts of
>                            political violence showed that law enforcement needed such powers. 
>                            "As strong as the bill was, it did not give our law enforcement officials
>                            some of the powerful tools I had recommended," Clinton said. 

and from a similar article on AOL (from Reuters):

>    ``We will ... do whatever is necessary to give law enforcement the tools they need to find 
>terrorists before they strike and to bring them swiftly to justice when they do,'' he said. 
[snip; same as the cnn story]
>    The expanded wiretap authority would allow law enforcement personnel to listen to all 
>communications devices used by a given person, including a home phone, mobile phone and 
>pager. At present, authority is given over a specific phone number, rather than for a 
>specific person. 
>    The second measure would require explosives makers to insert a chemical fingerprint 
>in their products that would help authorities narrow their search for a bomber. 

The White House web page does not have a transcript of the President's speech; in fact, under "Today's Top Issue" was 'President Clinton's Call for a National Community Policing Number', dated July 23rd.

-- Marshall

Marshall Clow     Aladdin Systems   <mailto:mclow at mailhost2.csusm.edu>

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We're not gonna take it/Gonna break it, gonna shake it,
let's forget it better still" -- The Who, "Tommy"

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