Overwelmed with Stupidity...

Mike Duvos mpd at netcom.com
Sat Jul 27 11:26:56 PDT 1996

Shaun Clark <jacquard at teleport.com> writes:

 > Ok, ok... Let me say something, but I don't want anyone to
 > take this wrong. I'm not trying to be stupid, but I don't
 > have half the knowledge you all seem to posses.

That's ok.  Welcome to the list.

 > For instance what the heck is a TRS-80, DES, or even GAK? I
 > probabl;y know or have heard but, I'm not picking up on the
 > three letter words. So, if you could help meout maybe I just
 > might be able to start contributing activly to this mailer!

TRS stands for "Technical Report Series." These are put out
periodically by the computer science departments of major
universities.  TRS-80 is a monograph titled - "The Sternlight
Effect: The Application of Nonlinear Matched Filters to the
Reduction of Additive Gaussian Noise in Usenet Articles."

DES stands for "Diethylstilbestrol", a synthetic estrogen given
to women at high risk for miscarriage in the 1950's.  Its use was
discontinued when the daughters of those who took it were
discovered to have a high incidence of vaginal and cervical
adenocarcinomas.  Male offspring suffered no life-threatening
health problems from prenatal DES exposure, but were often
afflicted with TWS. (Teeny Weeny Syndrome)

And finally, GAK is the name for the green slime frequently seen
to cover people on Nickelodeon, the childrens' cable channel.  It
is prepared from a variety of non-toxic ingredients in the
Nickelodeon kitchens, and supposedly is safe to ingest, should
one feel motivated to do so.

Now that you know the secret Three Letter Abbreviations, you are
an official Cypherpunk.  Congratulations.

     Mike Duvos         $    PGP 2.6 Public Key available     $
     mpd at netcom.com     $    via Finger.                      $

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