
root root at
Fri Jul 26 03:53:12 PDT 1996

I guess the statement about this being an "active" list was a little 
understated - however it did not mention anything about being used as a 
personal forum for petty bickering.  I have a slow link (see 9600bps) to the 
internet and have been watching messages steadily trickle in for the past 
two or three hours concerning Rush and a "wager" between two people - I 
notice that they copy the other interested party as if they would not 
receive it via the list like EVERYONE ELSE DOES!

Maybe I'm opening myself up for a flame - I might even deserve it if this 
discussion in fact does have something to do with cryptography and or 
related bits of information.  If it does - please let me know (private 
mail is fine - you can even copy the list if you feel everyone deserves 
to see me ripped to shreds).

My 2 cents,

No, not like Bundy!

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