Distributed DES crack

pjn at nworks.com pjn at nworks.com
Wed Jul 24 06:31:31 PDT 1996

 > I've a few machines around that could be dedicated almost full time to the
 > task. What are the bandwidth requirements? Specifically, could the
 > keycracker be run over a 28.8 (with a 486 running linux)?  If so, how many
 > 486's could I get over a single 28.8 (i.e. 28.8 -> multiple 486's daisy
 > chained with ppp over direct serial connection)?

 > It's not a factor of the bandwidth, you search offline and send in
 > your results to a central server.

 > But first, a little reality check is in order.  According to libdes,
 > the 200Mhz Pentium Pro on my desk will do 1,827,997 ECB bytes/sec, or
 > 228,499 ECB blocks.  A DES crack would have to try, on average, 2^55
 > blocks.  That would take my machine 43,798,875 hours, or 1,824,953
 > days. 
 > OK, so let's be reasonable and say that a week would be a good time to
 > come up with a DES key.  We would need 260,707 200Mhz Pentium Pro's to
 > achieve this.

 > Looking at that, 30 days seems not such an unreasonable target.  We
 > would need 60,831 200Mhz Pentium Pro's to achieve this.

 > It seems obvious to me that DES is still *way* out of reach of
 > anything other than special purpose hardware.

 In> - Andy (hoping he got his sums right)
            (I think you did :)

 One small thing...

 You are assuming that we will not get the right equasion/code/whatever
 untill the very end.  There is a good chance that it will only take
 half that time...and a slim chance that we will get it with the first

 pjn at nworks.com

 (BTW, I have a 486 DX/4 100MhZ That I will put to the effort...)

... As easy as 3.14159265358979323846264338327950288419716

___ Blue Wave/QWK v2.20 [NR]

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