Credit Card to eCash

Frank O. Trotter, III fotiii at
Sun Jul 21 22:36:39 PDT 1996

> |What would be the problems in setting up a web site to make a
> | charge to a Credit Card/ATM card number and return Cash, like an ATM for
> | the net?
> -- 
> "It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."
> 					               -Hume

Obviously this would be tremendous!  There are a variety of ways
that one can construct a purse to allow use of a purchased amount of
ecash(tm)  without being a customer of a particular bank -  a nifty
idea if the credit card part works.

The "credit card thing" has been much discussed but really hinges on
 a change in the MC or VISA rules that either doesn't allow someone
to cancel the transaction at a later date leaving the acceptor
holding the bag, or allowing the acceptor to charge a fee that
covers the default risk of the former.  Currently according to my 
reading both are precluded.

Curiously, a little bird told me that the VISA _cash_ cards for
Atlanta allow you to call up to order one paying with a credit card,
and that it appears on one's statement as merchandise.  I would be
curious to hear what VISA rule changed to allow a non-face-to-face
cash advance to occur and call it merchandise!  Whatever.



My own ideas, not my employer's.
Frank O. Trotter, III  -   fotiii at  - Fax: +1 314 569-4906

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