An interesting instance of poltical anonymnity, now revealed

jim bell jimbell at
Thu Jul 18 01:23:22 PDT 1996

At 11:09 PM 7/17/96 EDT, E. ALLEN SMITH wrote:
>	I find the CBS News response unfortunate. There's also the simple
>question on lying to maintain the identity: what's so bad about lying? Why
>he revealed himself is somewhat of lesson also.
>	-Allen
>   _ Wednesday July 17 9:12 PM EDT _
>'Primary Colors' Author Steps Forward
>   NEW YORK (Reuter) - One of the best kept secrets in political,
>   journalistic and publishing circles was revealed Wednesday when
>   Newsweek journalist Joe Klein admitted he was ''Anonymous'', the
>   mysterious author of a novel based on President Clinton's 1992
>   presidential campaign.

If they really wanted to know who did it, why didn't they do a word analysis 
of the book, and compare it to known writers?

Jim Bell
jimbell at

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