DCSB: Betting on the Future

Robert Hettinga rah at shipwright.com
Wed Jul 17 11:11:33 PDT 1996

At 10:30 PM -0400 7/15/96, Charley Sparks wrote:
> If I can't wear a V2 PGP T shirt It ain't good enuf to attend...

Thank you for your input.

>lunch too

In light of the following .sig, I hope I'm forgiven if I'm caught
repressing a giggle or two...

>                       Charles E. Sparks
>                     Booz Allen & Hamilton
>          http://www.clark.net/pub/charley/index.htm
>            In God we trust, All Others we encrypt
>    Public Key at:  http://www.clark.net/pub/charley/cp_1.htm

Seriously, Charley,

We're just a bunch of people who work downtown (for the most part) who're
interested in things financial and internet, with a focus on financial
cryptography (for the most part).

Most of us wear suits to work, so getting past the Harvard Club dress code
for lunch isn't that a big deal. Besides, the view is nice, and $27.50 once
a month (besides the obligatory rubber chicken, it pays for the speaker's
lunch, the room, and whatever A/V the speaker needs) never killed anyone
with a *job* (like, say, *yours*?). Hell, Charley, I bet even *your* boss
wears a suit to work. Or maybe your boss's boss... :-).

To quote Tom Wolfe quoting Chuck Yeager in "The Right Stuff" (in a
discussion of flying and driving fast and drinking and screwing and
hell-raising and flying, I believe), "I wouldn't recommend it, mind you,
but it *can* be done." Wearing a suit and talking crypto, I mean.

You ought to try it. It *can* be done. If people like Perry, and Duncan,
and Futplex, and Kent Borg, and Adam Shostack, and Carl Ellison and,
someday, Unicorn (who threatens to, just about every month, even though he
probably wears a suit already, wherever he is) can, you can, too.

<Sorry if I forgot any others. The point is, there are lots of cypherpunk
DCSB members. Of the hundred or so on the e-mail list, I bet 30 or so are
also subscribed to cypherpunks.>

Consider it an opportunity to see if the ol' interview suit fits. If it
doesn't, Charley, don't forget to save up for that next one. After all,
after working at a place like Booz Allen, it's all downhill, right?  The
next job you get recruited for may not come with that nifty clothing


Bob Hettinga
The Digital Commerce Society of Boston

Robert Hettinga (rah at shipwright.com)
e$, 44 Farquhar Street, Boston, MA 02131 USA
"'Bart Bucks' are not legal tender."
                -- Punishment, 100 times on a chalkboard,
                       for Bart Simpson
The e$ Home Page: http://www.vmeng.com/rah/

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