FW: MSoft crypto API's

geeman at best.com geeman at best.com
Wed Jul 10 13:23:19 PDT 1996

but they don't sign the drivers.  they sign the CSP.  only.  drivers are (can be) shipped as totally separate pieces of code.

From: 	Deranged Mutant[SMTP:WlkngOwl at unix.asb.com]
Sent: 	Tuesday, July 09, 1996 10:06 PM
To: 	geeman at best.com
Subject: 	Re: FW: MSoft crypto API's

On  9 Jul 96 at 21:37, geeman at best.com wrote:
> Excuse me, er, NW, how is MSFT going to sign hardware?  heheheheh.

They'll sign the drivers.  (Instead of DES software it might be a 
driver that uses a DES card.)

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