[RANT] Giving Mind Control Drugs to Children

Michael Myers blackavr at aa.net
Sun Jul 7 14:19:07 PDT 1996

At 07:25 AM 7/7/96 -0700, Sandy Sandfort <sandfort at crl.com> wrote:

>Yes, normally, but doesn't it have a paradoxical reaction for
>hyperactive children (i.e., it acts as a depressant for them)?

As one of those "ADD" kids back in the '70's, the dextroamphetamine
I was given actually did seem to calm me down. Of course, coffee
also put me to sleep then. Happily, that situation has reversed 
itself as I've grown older. *grin*
/^^^^^^^^^Instead of being born again, why not just GROW UP?^^^^^^^^^^^\
Michael Myers                   Vote Libertarian....you'll sleep better!
Don't like abortion? Don't have one.     Don't like guns? Don't buy one.
blackavr at aa.net                          E-mail for PGPv2.6.2 public key
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