I confess [Was: Who was that Masked Cypherpunk?]

Jim Ray liberty at gate.net
Fri Jul 5 13:47:14 PDT 1996


Duncan Frissell <frissell at panix.com> wrote:

>OK, fess up.  Who was it who amended the anti-key-escrow language of the
>Libertarian Party Platform live on CSPAN?  Specific reference to >cypherpunks.

'Twas me, the guardian of the *original* definition of the fine old
term "escrow" against the slick denizens of Newspeak. I have found
this Libertarian convention to be a super-fun experience, and I will
be demonstrating PGP, Private Idaho, and lots of other fun stuff on
Saturday at 3PM. All are invited to attend.

Watch for "Pennies for Perot" this afternoon! ;)
JMR -- Dade Chairman and Florida Delegate.

Regards, Jim Ray -- DNRC Minister of Encryption Advocacy

"It is long past time to end the laughable presumption that voters
 who can easily cope with the choices offered at Burger King are
 somehow 'confused' by more than two choices at the voting booth."
 -- me [From my Miami Herald article.]

"Truth is stranger than fiction, especially when 'truth' is being
 defined by the O.J. Simpson Defense Team." -- Dave Barry 6/16/96
PGP id.E9BD6D35 51 5D A2 C3 92 2C 56 BE  53 2D 9C A1 B3 50 C9 C8
<mailto:liberty at gate.net> http://www.shopmiami.com/prs/jimray Coming
soon, "Pennies For Perot" page! CYA with  http://www.anonymizer.com

Version: 2.6.2
Comment: Freedom isn't Freeh.


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