The Net and Terrorism

jim bell jimbell at
Wed Jul 3 10:53:25 PDT 1996

At 12:00 AM 7/3/96 -0700, Vladimir Z. Nuri wrote:

>keep in mind that Ruby Ridge and Waco happened only a few years
>ago. that's a nanosecond in cosmic time, yet the terrorist 
>repercussions are being felt immediately. I would say its very
>visceral evidene that terrorists are responding to events and
>are not just madmen out for the fun of killing people.  there's
>a bit of that of course..

If you listen to the Feds discussing this most recent militia story, when 
they're asked what was the militia's motivation, they don't want to talk 
about it, and won't even speculate on more than the most unspecific, vacuous 

Jim Bell
jimbell at

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