[NOISE] Re: "German service cuts Net access" (to Santa Cruz)

Declan B. McCullagh declan+ at CMU.EDU
Tue Jan 30 19:51:15 PST 1996

Excerpts from internet.cypherpunks: 29-Jan-96 [NOISE] Re: "German
service.. by Rich Graves at networking.s 
> There was a lively debate in feminist/legal circles a while back about
> introducing "the reasonable woman standard," "the reasonable gay man
> standard," etc. into the legal currency. The movement intended to make
> "date rape" and sexual harassment easier to prosecute. I didn't keep up
> with it, but I'm sure the relevant papers are still being cited. I doubt 
> and hope that no court ever took the argument seriously.

I vaguely remember one district court upholding the "reasonable woman"
standard around four years ago, but that braindead idea was abandonded
in subsequent decisions.

For more info on what happens when the "reasonable woman" standard is
applied in higher education (particularly regarding online speech),
check out:


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