more RANTING about NSA-friendly cpunks

Vladimir Z. Nuri vznuri at
Sun Jan 28 13:28:55 PST 1996

>In message <199601262011.MAA17408 at>, 
>  "Vladimir Z. Nuri" wrote:
>> has anyone *tried* just ignoring the ITAR wrt crypto and seeing what 
>> would happen? the gubbermint blindly thinks that cyberspace will 
>> inevitably bring the wrath of four horsemen of the infocalypse, but aren't we
>> equally as comic in assuming that violating the ITAR crypto sections
>> will inevitably bring the 4 horsemen of the NSA??
>One word...
>I do agree with what you're saying though.

One word...


Zimmermann supports my contention, as I wrote in the post. NOTHING
happened to him. it is conceivable this same result could have
been arrived at (government drops investigation) if he never even 
hired a lawyer.

Zimmermann is a perfect example of what may be counterproductive
hysteria on *our* side, toward advancing crypto. if Zimmermann
cannot be prosecuted, and is not prosecuted, where are the ITAR "teeth"???

sure, endless people can argue with me. "nasty things will befall you
if you violate crypto sections of the ITAR". they will back these
example up with the same baseless fear that schoolchildren reverently refer
to Cooties or the Bogeyman.

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