A brief comparison of email encryption protocols

Adam Shostack adam at homeport.org
Thu Feb 29 16:17:26 PST 1996

Carl Ellison wrote:

| At 15:54 2/29/96, Derek Atkins wrote:
| >So, there needs to be a compromise, some shorthand method to describe
| >the hint.  One solution is to provide a "keyserver" type and then some
| >string that says which "keyserver" to use.  For example, if there is a
| >DNS-style keyserver deplyed, I could put '1,"mit.edu"' in all my
| >signatures, if we assume that '1' is the DNS-style keyserver code.

| is a URL just too big?  My sigs are already several lines long.  E.g.,
| Key: ftp://ftp.clark.net/pub/cme/cme.asc

I think a URL is probably a good solution.  But if we're using 
URLs, lets create a scheme for public keys.  If needed, this could be
either abbriviated, or dereferenced with a key exchanger (similar to
SMTP's mail exchangers).  Defaults would also allow for a good deal of
shortening.  And URLs have the user interface advantage of becoming
common, and understood.  Who gets on the net today and not the web?



abrieviated version:


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