James M. Galvin galvin at eit.com
Wed Feb 28 09:15:47 PST 1996

At 8:19 PM 2/27/96, Blake Ramsdell wrote:
>> Further there is a good implementation of MOSS.
>Is there a version that can be used in commercial applications?  There is for
>PGP, S/MIME, and (I think) for MSP.

Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder I'm told.

TIS will happily license their source code to you.  In this case you get
the advantage of seeing and actually trying what you will get in advance
with no hassle whatsoever.  As to whether that is a better choice than
writing the code yourself, well, you get the idea.


James M. Galvin                                               galvin at eit.com
VeriFone/EIT, PO Box 220, Glenwood, MD 21738                 +1 410.795.6882

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