[South SF Bay Area] PLAY ANNOUNCEMENT: "Breaking the Code" (fwd)

Rich Graves llurch at networking.stanford.edu
Mon Feb 26 21:18:19 PST 1996

FYI. Might be amusing. I'll probably go, if I can find a free moment.

 The Dream Team

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 25 Feb 1996 20:55:33 -0500
From: Michael Deleon <deleon at rahul.net>
Newgroups: ba.announce, ba.motss, rec.arts.theatre.plays
Subject: PLAY ANNOUNCEMENT: "Breaking the Code"

Menlo Players Guild Presents

by Hugh Whitemore
Based on the Book: Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges

The private life of an extraordinary and brilliant man becomes the means of
his destruction in this dramatic story, which won acclaim on Broadway. At its
center is Alan Turing, the mathematician and British war hero who broke the
famous German Enigma Code, giving the Allies the key to winning World War II,
and yet was persecuted by his government for his sexual orientation. This
portrait of a complex, visionary man torn by society's conflicting rules is
chillingly powerful.

February 23 - March 16
Thurs-Sat, 8pm
Sunday March 10 at 2:30
Burgess Theatre, 601 Laurel Street, Menlo Park

Tickets and info call
(415) 322-3261

Visit our web page at http://www.best.com/~carjack

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