R.U. Sirius @ St. Jude at Club Wired

Jon Lebkowsky jonl at well.com
Mon Feb 26 11:50:35 PST 1996

                    R.U. SIRIUS AND ST. JUDE AT CLUB WIRED
Electronic Frontiers Forum

   Thursday, Feb 29, 1996, 7PM PST (10PM EST)
   R.U. Sirius and St. Jude were at the cutting edge of cyberactivism
   while editing Mondo 2000, among the first publications to acknowledge
   issues of privacy, cryptography, access, and censorship online. More
   recently they've created The Mutate Project, a spinoff from their
   "anti-novel" How to Mutate and Take Over the World, a semifictional
   work passing revolutionary memes and supporting opposition to whatever
   oppressive forces might serve to clamp down on the Temporary
   Autonomous Zone of the Internet. They'd prefer a full-bore Permanent
   Autonomous Zone.

Jon Lebkowsky <jonl at well.com>                      http://www.well.com/~jonl
Electronic Frontiers Forum, 7PM PST Thursdays <http://www.hotwired.com/club>

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