Ascom Tech License for IDEA

Greg Rose Greg_Rose at
Sun Feb 25 16:31:53 PST 1996

Mark Aldrich <maldrich at> wrote:
  "In the US, ViaCrypt pays the royalties to Ascom for every copy of 
  ViaCrypt PGP shipped.  Users of ViaCrypt PGP have nothing to worry 
  about.  Personal users of MIT PGP in the US also have nothing to worry 
  about because Ascom's published position deals with 'commercial use'. The 
  only people who need to do anything are people overseas using PGP 2.6i or 
  2.6ui in their businesses.  They need to license IDEA from Ascom."

As another data point, I (sitting in Australia)
attempted to buy a licence through the Web page
and encrypted emailed credit card, and in return
received a phone call from Zurich. I was informed
that IDEA was not patented in Australia, and my
attempt to pay was appreciated but declined.

Europe generally has patent coverage I believe.


Greg Rose               INTERNET: greg_rose at  
Sterling Software       VOICE:  +61-2-9975 4777    FAX:  +61-2-9975 2921
28 Rodborough Rd.
French's Forest         35 0A 79 7D 5E 21 8D 47  E3 53 75 66 AC FB D9 45
NSW 2086 Australia.     co-mod sci.crypt.research, USENIX Director.

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