
John Young jya at pipeline.com
Sun Feb 25 08:01:56 PST 1996


   The Wash Post has a Page One lead about "atomic bomb spy"
   Theodore Alvin Hall, who, as a young physicist at Los
   Alamos provided the Soviets with Manhattan Project secrets.
   Hall's role was revealed by gradual code-cracking of cables
   under the Venona program.

   Though discovered, for unknown reasons Hall was never
   charged and went on to a distinguished career at Cavendish
   Laboratory, Cambridge, England, where he now lives in
   retirement. Interviewed for the article he neither confirms
   nor denies he was the spy code-named "Mlad." He suggests it
   may be worth investigating why the US has kept silent about
   the case.

   The detailed story correlates Hall's role with the well-
   known atomic bomb spies; gives amazed responses of security
   officers then at Los Alamos; and lays out the long-term,
   never-give-up, FBI tracking and NSA cracking.

   For Unicorn and Bell: Hall was assigned to the Los Alamos
   "Gadgets" division and specialized in implosion devices.

   (With Hall, it's worth wondering if this ancient revelation
   and the recent 20-year-old NSA-spy have anything to do
   with the future of IC budgets -- teasing release of "if you
   knew what we know.")


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