Cluelessness V.S. Lack of Knowledge

Adam Shostack adam at
Sat Feb 24 13:29:58 PST 1996

	If someone shows up, having read the sci.crypt FAQ and/or
Applied Cryptography, I think that their questions will be answered
without flames.  But if people fail to read whats out there, and want
to be spoon fed, well, thats another matter.


Alan Olsen wrote:

| I know of one developer who is trying to implement a strong
| cryptosystem in his app.  He is unwilling to post his
| questions/concerns here because he is afraid of getting his ass
| shot off on the first query.  Judging by some of the responses
| I have seen, I do not blame him!  I can understand intolerance
| of the sales droids who push crap.  I do not have much
| tolerance for them either.  It bothers me when I see people who
| are not experts in the field AND ARE TRYING TO LEARN getting
| "blowed up real good" because they are not experts.

"It is seldom that liberty of any kind is lost all at once."

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