new "obscenity" law on the net

Bill Stewart stewarts at
Sat Feb 24 00:43:37 PST 1996

>[Ben sent this to rms at 'Sat, 3 Feb 1996 10:32:00 -0700'];
>"Ben A. Mesander" <ben at> writes:
>>Just curious - will the new law outlawing obscenity on the net in the us
>>cause you to make changes to some of the comments in the emacs source code?
>Some weeks ago, Lars and Richard went through the Gnus source and
>removed 'fuck' two times and 'fucking' one time (if I didn't get it
>all wrong). I wonder if that's your fault.

A number of years ago, the Political Correctness folks at AT&T cleaned up
the termcap and terminfo files that were distributed with Unix.
You really can't talk about the Hazeltine terminal without using the word
"brain-damaged", and the "2621-ba" was redescribed as "broken arrow keys" :-)

                        Bill, who spent far too much time tweaking termcaps....

#				Thanks;  Bill
# Bill Stewart, stewarts at / billstewart at +1-415-442-2215
#     Pager +1-408-787-1281

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