NSA agent arrested

s1018954 at aix2.uottawa.ca s1018954 at aix2.uottawa.ca
Fri Feb 23 16:25:21 PST 1996

On Fri, 23 Feb 1996, Mike Tighe wrote:

> Yeah, I got his name but was not sure of the spelling. Robert Steven
> something. Lives in Millersville, PA. I think he is retired. Looks like a
> victim of the cozying relationship between the FBI and the KGB-whatever
> they call themselves nowadays.

Robert Stephan Lipka. I got a note (thanks) pointing me to an article in 
the Stateside News section at the Nando Times <http://www.nando.net> . The 
article's got better background than others I've ran into so far today.

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